My name is Kate Maclean
I've been fascinated by herbal medicine since an early age. Growing up in Hong Kong I was introduced to Traditional Chinese Medicine and the remarkable benefits it has for our health. Back in England I studied Western Herbal Medicine at the University of Lincoln graduating in 2016 with a First Class Degree.
I'm honoured to be able to share my knowledge with you and to help you on your journey back to better health. I offer affordable 60 minute consultations and 45 minute follow up appointments if required. Treatment is in the form of herbal tinctures or tablets sourced from reputable UK herbal manufactuers.
To book an appointment or find out more contact me on
07597 066301 or email kate@miltonkeynesherbalist.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What is herbal medicine?
Herbal medicine is the use of safely prescribed herbs to improve health. Practitioners look at the whole peson, their medical history as well as what's happening for them emotionally. Herbs are then chosen to treat each individual according to their physical and emotional symptoms.

Is there any evidence that herbs work?
Trials have been carried out on herbal medicines in Europe and the USA as well as India and China, though not all trials are Randomised and Double Blinded. Herbalists use empirical data that's been passed down over centuries of practice. Modern trials often consolidate the hisorical usage of herbs.

How do herbs work?
Herbs are packed with phytonutrients such as flavogens which help the body eliminate toxins, deccrease inflammation and act as a tonic to invidual organs and systems such as the nervous system and cardiovascular system. They help the body achieve optimal balance (homeostasis)

How long will I have to take the herbs before I see an improvement?
It varies from person to person depending on their condition, but most people start to see an improvement within a week of taking herbal medicine. Children usually start to improve within a couple of days.

Can I take herbs with other medication?
Herbs used in the correct dosage and from a reputable supplier are considered safe. However, there are specific herbs that shouldn't be taken with certain pharmaceutical drugs. Also people who have certain conditions for example kidney disease or gallstones have to avoid specific herbs, although other suitable herbs are often available.

What happens during a session?
When you come to see me we'll talk about your overall health concerns to fully understand what the issuse is. With your consent I'll take your blood pressure and if necessary conduct a physical examination. Finally we'll discuss a prescription and how you'd like to take the herbs prescribed. If needed I'll invite you for a follow up appointment in two to three weeks. Alternatively you can order a repeat prescription of herbs without a follow up appointment.
Please book an appointment
1 hr 15 min
65 British pounds45 min
45 British pounds15 min
100ml (£14)